Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone.  1 Corinthians 12:4-6

  • altar guild

    The Altar Guild considers it a privilege and blessing to be able to serve God by preparing the altar and communion.The commitment involves being available during your assigned months on Saturday morning for about an hour to prepare the communion and cleaning up after Sunday service.

      If you are interested in joining us or would like more information, please call the church office at tel: 386-255-7580

  • Bell choir

    Trinity has a hand bell group that plays for festivals and occasionally accompanies vocal music.  We currently meet on Sundays before Bible class, or a weeknight, as needed.

    Anyone is welcome!.  Reading music is not necessary.  For more information, contact Lisa Moore: lrmoore856@yahoo.com

  • board of christian education

    The purpose of the Board of Christian Education is to maintain and improve Christian education in the congregation. Assure that proper materials are available for the teaching ministry of the church; and shall        oversee the church library.

  • board of elders

    The Purpose of the Board of Elders is to assist the Pastor to develop the spiritual life of Trinity Lutheran Church  and its individual members. Elders are advocates through prayer for the spiritual, emotional, and physical health and welfare of the pastors and their families.  The Board of Elders shall annually elect a chairman and vice-chairman. The chairman will conduct all meetings of the Board of Elders and serve as a member of the Church Council. 

  • board of evangelism

    The purpose of the Board of Evangelism is to reach out to others to proclaim the good news of the Word of God, invite people to attend worship services and promote the mission of Trinity Lutheran Church.

  • board of social ministries and fellowship

    The purpose of the Board of Social Ministry to empower the Congregation to fulfill the mission of love in    various ways where help is needed within the Congregation and/or community.  It supports a variety of groups such as HUM, Pregnancy Crisis Center, homeless veterans, and others through collections of items and service. The Board also organizes social events for the members of the congregation.

  • board of stewardship

    The purpose of the Board of Stewardship is to provide oversight and direction for the congregation’s    stewardship life and to encourage all members to be fruitful stewards of the Lord’s gifts.

  • board of trustees

    The purpose of the Board of Trustees is to be responsible for all real and personal property of the congregation. The chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall also serve as a member of the Church Council.

  • choir

    Along with the choir, we have used soloists, duets, and small groups for special music in our worship.  We also use instruments.  We would love to talk with you if you like to sing or play.

    Please contact Lisa Moore:  lrmoore856@yahoo.com

  • church council

     Members of the Church Council are the Chairs of our various boards.  They are appointed by the Voter's Assembly or by the President. 

  • greeters and ushers

    We have a Greeters Plus! program for welcoming guests to Trinity. If you like people and want to help them be comfortable visiting us, consider finding out more about the ministry.

    Ushers are also needed to hand out bulletins and say another "Good Morning! We're glad you're here!" 

    There is a sign-up sheet in the extended narthex.

    For more information see Mary Rosenberg or call Trinity tel: 386-255-7580

  • lutheran women's missionary league - lwml

    The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of Trinity Lutheran Church meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 in room 107. The group is open to all  women in the congregation.  Our purpose is to share the love of Christ with others in the community and the world. Our focus is on those in need.  If you have not yet been to a meeting, please consider joining us for Christian woman fellowship,  Bible study and a snack. We would love to see you!

    Can’t make the meetings? As a female member of Trinity, you are automatically a member of LWML. We send updates in the church's monthly newsletter to keep everyone up to date on our activities and projects in the hopes that we can all participate in some way.

  • prayer chain

    We know that God hears our prayers and requests. When someone requests prayers, Prayer Chain members are notified. If you would like to become a "link on the chain", call the church office at tel: 386-255-7580