Ongoing Outreach Programs

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?' And I said 'Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8

Christine’s Blankets

This organization takes care of the homeless in our community by providing blankets and warm clothing for winter as well as seasonal appropriate “blessing bags”. Our congregation collects items throughout the year as well as puts together “blessing bags” with hygiene items, socks, and snacks. Link to Christine’s Blankets

Mom’s Day Out

We know how hard this world can be for struggling parents and caretakers. Trinity has partnered with Family Renew and the Angel Tree Prison Ministry to give the grownups a morning off, The children, 2-16, attend a day of Bible stories, crafts, games, music and lunch. This program runs throughout the year and is a blessing for all involved.

Angel Tree Prison Ministry

Christmas for a child whose family member is incarcerated can be a lonely time. Through Angel Tree, Trinity receives the name of local children whose family member is incarcerated. We buy gifts for the child on behalf of the incarcerated person so that the child knows they are loved. The children and grownups have a great time celebrating at the Christmas Party given for them. Throughout the year, we continue to keep in touch with these families and try to be of service to them.

Pregnancy Crisis Center

In May of each year, we hold an annual “Every Bottom Blessed Diaper Drive” for the Pregnancy Crisis Center in Daytona Beach. We deliver wipes, diapers and all kinds of baby items that families will need for their little one.

Twilight, Cocoa & Cookies

The Twilight Motel, which is down the block from the church, puts on a spectacular Christmas light show every year. One night, before Christmas, we invite the community to stop by for a cup of cocoa and some cookies after they see the lights. We have Christmas crafts for the kids, Elders dressed as shepherds and wise men, photo opportunities, music, and a great time. Each child gets a Christian gift and a cupcake to make a birthday cake for Jesus. So many from the congregation get involved and the community really appreciate it.

Barracks of Hope

This facility is part of Halifax Urban Ministries and houses 20 homeless veterans. Every Christmas the congregation gives the veterans a Christmas dinner and a present, so they know they are appreciated.

Halifax Urban Ministry

At least once a year, we have a food drive to support the food bank at Halifax Urban Ministry.

Big Red Bus Blood Drive

Twice a year, the Big Red Bus parks outside Trinity for blood donations from members and the community.

Holly Hill Christmas Parade

We participate in the city parade every year, showing the real meaning of Christmas with a live nativity, complete with marching Shepherds!

Riviera Senior Living

Once a month, we visit the seniors at the Riviera Senior Living in Holly Hill. Pastor Moore and Lisa lead them is a service with song. Afterwards, our members visit with the residents who love the company.